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Trade Secret #1 – Reducing your PDF File For Online Downloads

Your catalogue is finally ready to be printed and the digital version added to your website. Your sales team will also use it in email marketing campaigns. Happy days until you realise that the catalogue is far too large to be sent to customers and will more than likely bounce back as it exceeds the capacity allowance for email attachments. Fear not, we have solutions to reduce the large-sized pdf on most occasions. If you have Adobe Acrobat, you can resave the file using the low pdf compression option. I have found that this does not produce the best results. Maybe there is a more formulated step by step approach to achieving a smaller file size using this method. We prefer to use a more straightforward method. I use an online tool called I Love PDF Compression. I have found that using this online platform achieves great results that works about ninety percent of the time. The compression rate doesn’t always significantly impact the PDF if it is image intensive. Following the steps are easy, and it will save time in optimising your file for maximum output and successful delivery.

The platform can also do a lot more, such as convert documents such as Word or Excel to pdf. If you use the online platform, send me a message on how effective or if you had any issues regarding the converter for the final converted file.

I hope this helps and I believe it will save you time, especially regarding workflow as this is a process that you can now control. If you get stuck, know Visually Unique will always support you, don’t hesitate to contact us. Thanks for taking the time to read the blog, and I hope you look forward to Trade Secret #2.

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